Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's been a month

It hasn't been as difficult as I thought.

It hasn't been as controversial as I imagined.

It has been challenging at times, but they've been mostly self-imposed challenges.

Serene* hasn't been bothered too much.
Had a good conversation recently with a visiting cousin. She lives in NYC so is used to seeing orthodox Jews but had questions about what the fringes were. It was nice to be able to explain why they are worn with someone who calls themselves a 'cultural' Jew. I have my own love/loathe relationship with cultural Judaism, but I definitely feel as good around cultural Jews than I do religious (loaded term) ones.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I had my first encounter with Jews this past Sunday. I was kind of surprised that NO ONE mentioned the tzitzit. No one even made a comment, or referenced them at all. Then in the past few days I've been to the park, Target and a few other places. Not one single comment. Maybe this experience won't be as interesting as I had originally believed. I even went to a jam session and none of the musicians either noticed or remarked.


I can't tell for sure if it does or doesn't affect the way other people size me up or prejudge me. I thought I'd at least have an interesting or educational conversation at some point. Well I haven't.